Get Involved
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Discussion List
What instructional resources are available for Get Involved volunteer activities?Much of the help is built into the Get Involved experience. Many of the changes and features were a…Answered ✓ Announcement Closed ctr sweetie 4.4K views 62 comments 2 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes
How do I Participate in Get Involved?On the computer: Go to or in the FamilySearch menu bar, c…
What is the average contribution of active FamilySearch users?it is fun to look at my individual stats on the website. Can you provide the average contributions …
Unable to access "Quick Name Review"Hello everyone, I'm Ana, and I'm having trouble accessing the "Quick Name Review" featur…
Full Name Review: step 3, cannot add nameThis has happened many times and I am having to Skip names. In Full Name Review: When I go to sta…
Full Name ReviewI am doing full name review, and it has left out a given name and surname. Is there a way to add a …
About Genealogy software and AITogether with ChatGPT I’ve been brainstorming about the possible role of AI in Genealogy software. …
I keep getting 'aw snap' in the middle of correcting place namesI have been volunteering to correct place names and today asked for a batch of 50. I keep getting …
How are Verify Places contributions stored / attached to records?Out of curiosity I went in and checked several of the records that I had verified the place for. No…
Why does Get Involved require a sign in now?Soo very disappointed! The app Get Involved suddenly requires a sign in. The best thing about tha…
Can my volunteering be verified? Is there a way to track my hours and get them verified?Can my volunteering be verified? Is there a way to track my hours and get them verified?
Plans to offer stats like this on the ward / stake level?All the youth in our ward have phones. It is much easier to get them doing 'get involved' activitie…
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